Not familiar with Blogger Aid? It's a group of international "bloggers uniting to aid in the alleviation of hunger." It was founded by an amazing threesome: Val of More Than Burnt Toast, Ivy of Kopiaste... to Greek Hospitality, and Giz of Equal Opportunity Kitchen.
In their words, Blogger Aid is "a growing group of international food bloggers determined to make a difference in aid of world famine. The love of food and community that brings us together drives the compassion of its members to reach out to our world to help those less fortunate than we are. Banded by a mission of helping to make a change in a world where starvation affects such a profound number of people, we will raise money and awareness for the hungry in communities both at home and abroad."
The Blogger Aid cookbook is their largest fundraiser to date. The recipes will be submitted by readers, both members and non-members of Blogger Aid, and 100% of the profit from the sales of the cookbook will go to School Meals, a program of The World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations frontline agency.
Now I can't tell you exactly what I submitted since the ladies want us to keep it a secret. (That way, you will be surprised at the exciting array of international recipes that await you!) I can give you some hints though: It's a main dish. It's Italian in nature. It celebrates the flavors and colors of spring. And it's soooo good.
Want to submit a recipe of your own? Here's how.