Oh, and I can't forget the decorations: confectioner's sugar, festive Christmas sprinkles, and jimmies (chocolate sprinkles for you non-Rhode Islanders). I even picked up a box of Santa Claus printed paper cups for fudge and truffles. And a box of candy canes. Not for baking, but for eating on the way home, since I was suffering from hypoglycemia after all that shopping.
Did I mention that I have an overwhelming desire to bake cookies? Dozens, even hundreds?
That's how I know the holiday season is officially here. Today I'm happy to announce Eat Christmas Cookies, Season 3! That's right. It's time to bake and swap your favorite Christmas cookies with us. Check out the amazing round-ups from Season 1 and Season 2, which include hundreds of spectacular Christmas cookies from around the world.
So start baking and send me any and all Christmas cookies; truffles, bark, and brownies count too. Just no pies, cakes, or muffins, please. Santa really prefers cookies.
Here's how you can participate:
Post about a Christmas cookie from today, November 17th through Sunday, December 20th at midnight PST. I will be posting your recipes as I receive them, so the earlier you send them in, the more likely someone else will see your recipe and try it for Christmas.Within the post:
- Please link to this page so others can participate.
- Please link to the round-up page.
- Santa would sure appreciate it if you'd include the cheerful Christmas Cookie Logo below. He might just leave extra goodies in your stocking, if you do. I'm just saying....
Email your entry to foodblogga [at] yahoo [dot] com, and put Christmas Cookies as the subject. In the e-mail please include:
- Your preferred name
- Where you live
- Your blog’s name and URL
- The URL of your entry
- The name of the cookie
- If you know how to re-size pictures, then please send along a 200 X 200 pixel pic of your cookies. If I don't see a re-sized pic attached, then I'll come get it at your blog.
- Multiple entries are great, but please submit only new, current posts.
Like years past, there will be prizes, but Santa hasn't decided on them all yet. So stay tuned!
Questions? Comments? Cookies? Leave them below or Email me. Well, just leave the questions and the comments below. For the cookies, I'd recommend FedEx.