Friday, January 23, 2009

It's a Food Blogga Give-Away for Clementines from Spain!

clementines bowl blue mat

Nothing brightens a gray winter day as deliciously as citrus does, especially clementines from Spain. The smallest variety of mandarins, clementines are exceptionally sweet and juicy. Since they're both easy to peel and seedless, they're ideal snacks for kids and for adults on-the-go.

So if you're weary of winter and haven't gotten your citrus fix yet, I've got some good news. Clementines from Spain is offering 5 lucky Food Blogga readers the chance to receive a 5 pound box of clementines from Spain. Here's what you have to do to win:

Just tell me why you'd like to win the clementines from Spain by the end of the day, Tuesday, January 27, 2009.
That's it.

With the help of, 5 winners will be randomly selected and announced in a future post, so please check back. My apologies to my international readers, but winners are limited to U.S. residents. Winners will need to provide their real names and mailing addresses. Don't have a blog? Just leave an active email address where you can be reached. Good luck, everybody!

clementines cut